Cashco Comprehensive Digital Metrics & ROI

The Challenge

Many agencies offer digital marketing capabilities, few can deliver strong digital results and even fewer will go the extra mile to help you develop custom solutions to provide real value for your company.

“Is there anyway we can know if these leads are ending up in sales?” “We want to understand and monitor the ROI of our marketing inventments, especially on the digital front.” We are implementing a new Epicor CRM System, and we need help us tracking leads through the entire sales funnel.” These are the questions we are happy to answer for our clients and we did just that for Cashco Inc.

Our Approach

Our target for this campaign was Engineers and Specifiers within the Chemical, Oil & Gas, and Pharmaceutical Industries. We’re familiar with this audience and opted to use a combination of Search Engine Marketing (SEM),  targeted digital advertising and custom landing pages to deliver our targeted messaging and call to action.

Our team then invested time extensively researching and learning how to collaborate with Cashco’s new Epicor CRM system. The recipe for success included many team solution exchange meetings and experience from multiple departments in both companies. Media & Marketing Teams, Back-end and Front-end Programmers, Account Managers all worked together to set up and implement the solution for this campaign.

Our Solution

Search and digital marketing programs were all successfully implemented and funneled traffic to Inquiry and Quote Request forms. We built tracking codes in all digital creative down to size, which totaled up to around 2,000 versions of artwork for this campaign alone. All metrics and data flowed into a single organized dashboard that was developed to show Cashco only the metrics they were concerned about, not just clicks!

Finally, our dashboard produced a document that included the source of the Marketing Lead that could easily be uploaded into Cashco’s Epicor CRM. Cashco was then able to view all Inquiry, Quote and Communication submittals and easily pass onto the appropriate sales representative to follow up.

The dark blue line represents search campaign performance in 2020 vs light blue line 2019. This displays the power of a well managed and optimized keyword program.

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